The major concern of the ANIMA Association is talent scouting which includes creating alternative possibilities of instruction, through which we could improve the chances of certain special groups by developing their skills, ways of self-expression and alternatives of self-realization. Comprehensive education, high professional performance and reliability creates better opportunities for the individuals on the labour-market. This way we can improve not only their self-appreciation, but also increasing the level of education and strengthening the self-identity of the community to which they belong.
The activity and goals of the Association
- development and protection of the spiritual values
- working out professional plans and creating the conditions
of their realization - taking part in national and overseas artistic and professional meetings, providing our members, making possible for them to introduce themselves and to display their work
- popularizing literary and artistic works both within
and beyond the borders - improving the professional grounding of our members
and that of the book-culture - organizing professional conferences, seminars, lectures for our members and for the participants of cultural life
- to better women’s chances for self-realization in the literary, academic and artistic life; to assert their equality of rights
on the artistic and social level, to fight against every kind of discrimination - to develop international relations by joining in the international information network
- organizing research, the artistic, journalistic and publicity activities of our members, to keep up relations with other professional, artistic and cultural associations, publishing houses,
libraries and distribution firms - the publication of propaganda materials, catalogues, the materials of professional meetings in books or periodicals
Slovak Republic, Medzilaborecká 17, SK – 821 01 Bratislava 2
Chairwoman: Mgr. Mária Harasztiová
Secretary: H. Mészáros Erzsébet
President of Supervising board „Mikola Anikó-díj”: Mgr. Eleonóra Csanaky
Registrated: 24. 1. 2002.; No. VV/1-900/90-19474.